2022 New Faculty

The Chemistry Department is excited to welcome three new tenure-track faculty to its ranks this academic year.

Assistant Professor Philip Shushkov arrived in August 2022 from Tufts University in Boston.  Prof. Shushkov’s research program deploys theoretical approaches to advance the application of chemistry to quantum information science and energy conversion.  Through method development and application, his group identifies and characterizes chemical systems that can carry out quantum information processing.  They focus on the quantum dynamics of solid-state qubits in insulators and semiconductors with broad applications in quantum sensing and quantum communication.  They also develop molecular systems for quantum technologies, such as molecular qubits and their assemblies, harnessing chemical design to engineer quantum devices.  In the long-term, quantum platforms, including solid-state and molecular qubits, will be integrated in hybrid devices, and they study the dynamics of energy and information flow at interfaces.  To describe open and closed quantum systems at finite temperature, they extend accurate quantum chemical approaches, such as coupled cluster theory and density matrix renormalization group methods, to simulate non-equilibrium many-body quantum dynamics.  The theoretical methods have applicability beyond quantum information science and can be used for the study of energy conversion and catalysis in the condensed phase and at interfaces. Prof. Shushkov will be teaching courses in physical chemistry.

Eric Bloch, Veronica Siedle Associate Professor, previously taught at the University of Delaware and begins his appointment at IU in January 2023.  He brings a research program engaged in inorganic, organometallic, and materials chemistry research, leveraging his expertise in metal organic frameworks and his groundbreaking work in porous liquids, with many applications ranging from small molecule storage and activation to pulmonary theranostics. Prof. Bloch will teach courses in inorganic chemistry.



Jose Goicoechea, Veronica Siedle Professor of Chemistry, joins the IU Chemistry faculty in January 2023. Prof. Bloch is moving to our department from the University of Oxford.  Prof. Goicoechea’s research is predominantly focused on the synthesis and reactivity of novel compounds based on Earth-abundant elements (with a particular focus on the main-group elements, e.g., aluminum, silicon, phosphorus). The overarching goal is to explore new areas of chemical space in order to develop chemicals that permit previously unprecedented transformations. Currently active research areas in his lab include the design of novel reagents for chemical synthesis, and the development of molecules based on non-toxic elements for the activation and catalytic transformation of substrates such as ammonia and carbon dioxide. This ranges from purely fundamental studies (such as the synthesis of elusive small molecules and reactive intermediates), to more applied fields. Future advances in critical areas such as petrochemical utilization, energy storage, catalysis, electronics and solar energy conversion are all reliant on our ability to design, target and synthesize molecules and materials with customizable properties on demand.  Prof. Goicoechea will be teaching courses in inorganic chemistry.

With the new additions to our department, the Chemistry Building is undergoing significant renovations to lab and office spaces. We are excited to modernize these lab spaces. As alumni visit the department, some familiar places in the building that have been the site of exciting and historic discoveries may have a fresh, new look.

The Department is currently searching for two new Assistant Professors in the areas of bioanalytical chemistry and computational materials chemistry. Our hiring process is open to outstanding candidates in any area in an effort to recruit a diverse and inclusive faculty. We have made an effort to publish a descriptive outline of our hiring process, including a full description of our evaluation criteria, to make the process more accessible, especially to candidates with limited access to mentoring. If you are aware of outstanding candidates, please refer them to our job advertisement (click here).