Alumni News: Amir Hosseini (Ph.D. 2020)

Amir Hosseini joined the Department of Chemistry at Indiana University in 2016, where he received training in Analytical Chemistry under the auspices of the late Prof. Dennis Peters and Prof. Stephen Jacobson. In graduate school, Dr. Hosseini received the Herman T. Briscoe Teaching Fellowship and the College of Arts & Science Dissertation Research Fellowship. Upon graduation from IUB in 2020, he moved to Utah as a postdoctoral researcher with a dual appointment in the NSF Center for Synthetic Organic Electrochemistry (CSOE) and in the laboratory of Prof. Henry White. In 2023, he accepted a tenure-track assistant professor position at the University of South Carolina, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, where he is the principal investigator of the Hosseini lab. The Hosseini Research Group develops electroanalytical and analytical methodologies to study electrochemical reactions with importance to human health, sustainability, and energy conversion.