The Department of Chemistry had the pleasure of hosting IU President Pamela Whitten and Vice President for Research Fred Cate in September 2022 for a laboratory tour. The tour was initiated by President Whitten, who expressed interest in learning more about laboratory work in our Department. Professor Richard DiMarchi, accompanied by Department Chair Steve Tait, led them on a tour of the fifth floor laboratories. They learned how research done at IUB directly translates into medications that help people around the world manage diabetes and obesity. Prof. Tait also gave President Whitten and VP Cate a tour of the 2nd floor labs under renovation for Prof. Goicoechea and Prof. Bloch, as well as some of the undergraduate teaching laboratories that are in need of an update in the future. President Whitten was presented with an IU Chemistry t-shirt and a history of the Department. Sightings of President Whitten in her IU Chemistry gear have been reported on campus.